Monday, October 10, 2011

The Tin Man's Heart.

I'm a boldly stated apparatus.
So far from a holy status.
I wander to an fro, never knowing where to go.

Everything is inside out.
My hands are full of nothing.
The rainbows on the walls are everything but peaceful.

The heavy things in life are wrapped around my neck.
They hang there like a grind stone set for sinking.
I stand on the edge of the water, praying I won't fall in.

My eyes dare to see what lies beneath your complexion.
Before you know it, I've read you like a book.
Almost set in stone.

Prove me wrong, I'd love for you to try.
I want to be wrong.
Why am I always right?

Could I be like the Tin Man?
I could wear my heart right on my chest, for all the world to see.....
But would I ever use my brain?